Case study for Preply Curriculum and Preply Library features

Case study for Preply Curriculum and Preply Library features

Case study for Preply Curriculum and Preply Library features




Preply is a global language learning marketplace that connects more than 40,000 tutors with students from all over the world. It is considered a leading worldwide e-learning platform, offering a diverse range of subjects, languages, or hobbies with tutors of your choice. On Preply, you have the flexibility to choose your preferred subject, specify the price range, and set your preferred study time.

As a product designer, I played a crucial role in the team responsible for enhancing the tutor experience on the platform. Collaborating with the team, we successfully launched two versions of the Preply Curriculum and introduced the Preply Library—an extensive toolset designed for tutors and their students.

Preply is a global language learning marketplace that connects more than 40,000 tutors with students from all over the world. It is considered a leading worldwide e-learning platform, offering a diverse range of subjects, languages, or hobbies with tutors of your choice. On Preply, you have the flexibility to choose your preferred subject, specify the price range, and set your preferred study time.

As a product designer, I played a crucial role in the team responsible for enhancing the tutor experience on the platform. Collaborating with the team, we successfully launched two versions of the Preply Curriculum and introduced the Preply Library—an extensive toolset designed for tutors and their students.

Preply is a global language learning marketplace that connects more than 40,000 tutors with students from all over the world. It is considered a leading worldwide e-learning platform, offering a diverse range of subjects, languages, or hobbies with tutors of your choice. On Preply, you have the flexibility to choose your preferred subject, specify the price range, and set your preferred study time.

As a product designer, I played a crucial role in the team responsible for enhancing the tutor experience on the platform. Collaborating with the team, we successfully launched two versions of the Preply Curriculum and introduced the Preply Library—an extensive toolset designed for tutors and their students.

Business need:

Business need:

Business need:

During that period, Preply, as a business, was focused on expanding its market share and improving internal product metrics, leading to increased revenue, especially in terms of customers' lifetime value (LTV).

During that period, Preply, as a business, was focused on expanding its market share and improving internal product metrics, leading to increased revenue, especially in terms of customers' lifetime value (LTV).

During that period, Preply, as a business, was focused on expanding its market share and improving internal product metrics, leading to increased revenue, especially in terms of customers' lifetime value (LTV).

Product perspective:

Product perspective:

Product perspective:

Our team was ready to tackle the challenge of finding additional ways to bring value to tutors on the platform, aiming to enhance their ability to retain students more effectively.

Our team was ready to tackle the challenge of finding additional ways to bring value to tutors on the platform, aiming to enhance their ability to retain students more effectively.

Our team was ready to tackle the challenge of finding additional ways to bring value to tutors on the platform, aiming to enhance their ability to retain students more effectively.

Research phase:

Research phase:

Research phase:

Our underlying principle was always the understanding that a tutor's success on the platform translates to the platform's success. We began by gaining insights into what factors contributed to a tutor's success on our platform.

During the research phase, I developed three types of surveys. The first was designed for one-on-one interviews with tutors, categorized into four groups with 7–15 respondents in each. The second survey targeted a larger group approached via Intercom—a tool integrated into our website for customer support—and the third survey was for the students of the selected tutors from the four groups.

Tutors were categorized based on three metrics: student satisfaction rate, performance (measured by the number of hours on the platform), and the number of ongoing students in their schedule. This classification resulted in identifying top-performing tutors, platform "rock stars" who made a living out of teaching, occasional but talented tutors with a few satisfied students, "normcore" tutors using the platform as an additional income source, and so-so tutors who had been on the platform for months but struggled to retain long-term students.

After numerous interview sessions and two phases for insights verification (Intercom survey and interviews with the tutors' students), we acquired in-depth knowledge about the key characteristics of the most successful tutors on the platform. This was considered the most extensive research on platform tutors ever conducted at Preply up to that time.

Our underlying principle was always the understanding that a tutor's success on the platform translates to the platform's success. We began by gaining insights into what factors contributed to a tutor's success on our platform.

During the research phase, I developed three types of surveys. The first was designed for one-on-one interviews with tutors, categorized into four groups with 7–15 respondents in each. The second survey targeted a larger group approached via Intercom—a tool integrated into our website for customer support—and the third survey was for the students of the selected tutors from the four groups.

Tutors were categorized based on three metrics: student satisfaction rate, performance (measured by the number of hours on the platform), and the number of ongoing students in their schedule. This classification resulted in identifying top-performing tutors, platform "rock stars" who made a living out of teaching, occasional but talented tutors with a few satisfied students, "normcore" tutors using the platform as an additional income source, and so-so tutors who had been on the platform for months but struggled to retain long-term students.

After numerous interview sessions and two phases for insights verification (Intercom survey and interviews with the tutors' students), we acquired in-depth knowledge about the key characteristics of the most successful tutors on the platform. This was considered the most extensive research on platform tutors ever conducted at Preply up to that time.

Our underlying principle was always the understanding that a tutor's success on the platform translates to the platform's success. We began by gaining insights into what factors contributed to a tutor's success on our platform.

During the research phase, I developed three types of surveys. The first was designed for one-on-one interviews with tutors, categorized into four groups with 7–15 respondents in each. The second survey targeted a larger group approached via Intercom—a tool integrated into our website for customer support—and the third survey was for the students of the selected tutors from the four groups.

Tutors were categorized based on three metrics: student satisfaction rate, performance (measured by the number of hours on the platform), and the number of ongoing students in their schedule. This classification resulted in identifying top-performing tutors, platform "rock stars" who made a living out of teaching, occasional but talented tutors with a few satisfied students, "normcore" tutors using the platform as an additional income source, and so-so tutors who had been on the platform for months but struggled to retain long-term students.

After numerous interview sessions and two phases for insights verification (Intercom survey and interviews with the tutors' students), we acquired in-depth knowledge about the key characteristics of the most successful tutors on the platform. This was considered the most extensive research on platform tutors ever conducted at Preply up to that time.

Research takeaways:

Research takeaways:

Research takeaways:

From our research, we discovered that a tutor's success hinged on a combination of personal traits, such as charisma, and an effective teaching method, which included well-structured learning materials. While we couldn't directly influence the former, we realized that we could certainly contribute to the latter. Our research provided insights into the specific practices that set top-performing tutors apart from others.

Unlike their counterparts, top-performing tutors didn't randomly introduce topics during lessons. Instead, they meticulously organized the learning process into curriculums or learning plans, testing the efficiency of one as a draft and making adjustments based on individual student needs. Furthermore, these tutors had their learning materials systematically organized across various third-party applications, providing students with convenient access to them.

From our research, we discovered that a tutor's success hinged on a combination of personal traits, such as charisma, and an effective teaching method, which included well-structured learning materials. While we couldn't directly influence the former, we realized that we could certainly contribute to the latter. Our research provided insights into the specific practices that set top-performing tutors apart from others.

Unlike their counterparts, top-performing tutors didn't randomly introduce topics during lessons. Instead, they meticulously organized the learning process into curriculums or learning plans, testing the efficiency of one as a draft and making adjustments based on individual student needs. Furthermore, these tutors had their learning materials systematically organized across various third-party applications, providing students with convenient access to them.

Design challenge:

During the two weeks allocated for the research phase, the team dedicated the same amount of time for building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for the Curriculum. Given the limited time frame for developing the MVP, which was also set at two weeks, the team opted for a strategy that allowed for a quick launch, testing in the field, and subsequent iterations. The initial focus was on delivering a product that could be swiftly shipped, prioritizing content over intricate functionality.

For the pilot group, we commenced with a Business English curriculum, presenting the course in a straightforward interface that emphasized content rather than extensive features. This approach allowed us to gather real-world feedback efficiently and laid the foundation for iterative improvements in subsequent versions.

During the two weeks allocated for the research phase, the team dedicated the same amount of time for building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for the Curriculum. Given the limited time frame for developing the MVP, which was also set at two weeks, the team opted for a strategy that allowed for a quick launch, testing in the field, and subsequent iterations. The initial focus was on delivering a product that could be swiftly shipped, prioritizing content over intricate functionality.

For the pilot group, we commenced with a Business English curriculum, presenting the course in a straightforward interface that emphasized content rather than extensive features. This approach allowed us to gather real-world feedback efficiently and laid the foundation for iterative improvements in subsequent versions.

This served as the introductory material for the selected tutors to share with their students, enabling them to accept the curriculum and navigate through it during their lessons. The progress was tracked manually, allowing for a seamless integration into the teaching process.

This served as the introductory material for the selected tutors to share with their students, enabling them to accept the curriculum and navigate through it during their lessons. The progress was tracked manually, allowing for a seamless integration into the teaching process.

All the content was pre-made and archived as PDFs, seamlessly embedded into the pages. This approach facilitated a swift rollout of the feature, enabling us to commence gathering insights from the field within two weeks of the launch and positioning us well for subsequent iterations

All the content was pre-made and archived as PDFs, seamlessly embedded into the pages. This approach facilitated a swift rollout of the feature, enabling us to commence gathering insights from the field within two weeks of the launch and positioning us well for subsequent iterations

Outcomes of the first iteration:

With a dedicated dashboard showcasing key product metrics for the selected group using Preply Curriculum, we observed significant positive outcomes. The average number of lessons that students booked with their tutors on the platform doubled compared to the same group before they began the Curriculum program. Additionally, the average Lifetime Value (LTV) for the group during that period increased by 75%. These improvements occurred alongside reports from students expressing a sense of the learning process becoming more structured, cohesive, and predictable. This added level of organization provided both tutors and students with increased comfort and confidence—a crucial factor in any learning process.

With a dedicated dashboard showcasing key product metrics for the selected group using Preply Curriculum, we observed significant positive outcomes. The average number of lessons that students booked with their tutors on the platform doubled compared to the same group before they began the Curriculum program. Additionally, the average Lifetime Value (LTV) for the group during that period increased by 75%. These improvements occurred alongside reports from students expressing a sense of the learning process becoming more structured, cohesive, and predictable. This added level of organization provided both tutors and students with increased comfort and confidence—a crucial factor in any learning process.

Second iteration:

While receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback on the Curriculum feature from both tutors and students, we began contemplating the next iteration for this functionality. We maintained continuous communication with the test group, closely monitoring their feedback. After a month, we compiled a backlog of planned improvements for Preply Curriculum, addressing the following issues:

While receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback on the Curriculum feature from both tutors and students, we began contemplating the next iteration for this functionality. We maintained continuous communication with the test group, closely monitoring their feedback. After a month, we compiled a backlog of planned improvements for Preply Curriculum, addressing the following issues:

  1. Personalized Learning Plans: 8 out of 10 tutors provide their students with a personalized learning plan.

  2. Poor User Experience: Feedback suggests a need for improvements in the overall user experience.

  3. Material Transfer and Creation: Tutors use their own materials, and there is currently no interface to transfer them into the Preply Learning Plan or create new ones.

  4. Integration with Preply Space: There is no integration into Preply Space, the platform's proprietary tool for video calls, which was built by another team.

  5. Value Perception of Progress Tracking: Tutors either don't see the value of progress tracking or are unwilling to maintain it manually. Manual tracking is perceived as a drawback.

  1. Personalized Learning Plans: 8 out of 10 tutors provide their students with a personalized learning plan.

  2. Poor User Experience: Feedback suggests a need for improvements in the overall user experience.

  3. Material Transfer and Creation: Tutors use their own materials, and there is currently no interface to transfer them into the Preply Learning Plan or create new ones.

  4. Integration with Preply Space: There is no integration into Preply Space, the platform's proprietary tool for video calls, which was built by another team.

  5. Value Perception of Progress Tracking: Tutors either don't see the value of progress tracking or are unwilling to maintain it manually. Manual tracking is perceived as a drawback.

  1. Personalized Learning Plans: 8 out of 10 tutors provide their students with a personalized learning plan.

  2. Poor User Experience: Feedback suggests a need for improvements in the overall user experience.

  3. Material Transfer and Creation: Tutors use their own materials, and there is currently no interface to transfer them into the Preply Learning Plan or create new ones.

  4. Integration with Preply Space: There is no integration into Preply Space, the platform's proprietary tool for video calls, which was built by another team.

  5. Value Perception of Progress Tracking: Tutors either don't see the value of progress tracking or are unwilling to maintain it manually. Manual tracking is perceived as a drawback.

Our initial focus for the next iteration involved redefining the information architecture of learning plans. We introduced a unit as the atomic entity, which could be a text block, a web page, or a video clip. These units could be organized into topics, encompassing a specific theme or subject. The overall learning plan could then be constructed by assembling and arranging these structures, providing a more flexible and comprehensive approach to content organization.

The modular architecture not only facilitated the creation, assignment, and adjustment of personalized learning plans for students but also empowered tutors to reuse content pieces (units) or subjects (topics) as separate entities. This flexibility enabled tutors to conduct occasional lessons outside of the structured learning plan, providing a versatile approach to content utilization.

The modular architecture not only facilitated the creation, assignment, and adjustment of personalized learning plans for students but also empowered tutors to reuse content pieces (units) or subjects (topics) as separate entities. This flexibility enabled tutors to conduct occasional lessons outside of the structured learning plan, providing a versatile approach to content utilization.

The personalized plan could be adjusted to cater to the specific needs of an individual student:

Units could be rearranged using a drag-and-drop interface:

If there was a gap identified for a particular student, a new unit could be created and seamlessly inserted into the curriculum:

This is where the Preply Library originated—a content library created by tutors for their students and, surprisingly, for other tutors as well. The versatile potential use cases for this toolset sparked numerous discussions about product/market fit, quickly leading to questions such as "what does it mean for the entire Preply ecosystem?" This included the possibility of creating a content marketplace with content producers, introducing a role and type of users that hadn't existed before.

This is where the Preply Library originated—a content library created by tutors for their students and, surprisingly, for other tutors as well. The versatile potential use cases for this toolset sparked numerous discussions about product/market fit, quickly leading to questions such as "what does it mean for the entire Preply ecosystem?" This included the possibility of creating a content marketplace with content producers, introducing a role and type of users that hadn't existed before.

Furthermore, all the issues reported during the initial iteration were successfully addressed, solidifying Preply Curriculum's interactive toolset as one of the most powerful in the entire market.

Integration with other tools on the platform, such as Preply Space, was seamlessly incorporated into the enhanced functionality.

Integration with other tools on the platform, such as Preply Space, was seamlessly incorporated into the enhanced functionality.

Quoting one of Preply's CEO speeches: "Preply is here to shape the future of online education." Now, with Preply Learning Plans and Preply Library, that future is starting to feel less distant and more tangible.

Quoting one of Preply's CEO speeches: "Preply is here to shape the future of online education." Now, with Preply Learning Plans and Preply Library, that future is starting to feel less distant and more tangible.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading!